6 Steps to being Healthy in an Unhealthy World

It’s hard enough sticking to a healthy lifestyle with the everyday temptations -- convenient fast food on every corner, girl’s night out featuring sugary margaritas, and supermarket shelves stocked with chips and sodas galore.


Top that with pressure from friends and loved ones and it just gets a whole lot tougher to stick with the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to create.

You know what I mean. Friends out to lunch begging, “Oh come on, just one!” or fellow co-workers always trying to convince you to take part in the office goodies that are constantly a part of the office environment.

So, how do we combat temptations, stand up for our healthy choices, and encourage our friends and family to respect our healthy lifestyles? Simply put, how do we remain healthy in an unhealthy world?

1. Know Your Stuff

No one’s going to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. The conviction in your choices has to be strong enough to withstand judgement from outsiders. But it’s easier said than done.

The best thing you can do is educate yourself on why you’re doing what you’re doing. That way, instead of a defensive response to your bestie urging you to try some of her nachos, you can educate them instead as to why you’re skipping them.

It’s important that as women, we’re encouraging each other to be our best selves. Having an educational conversation with the people around you will be a win-win. But that means you have to know your stuff and be firm in your convictions.

Try explaining how much better you started feeling when you removed greasy food from your diet. Or how you’re working really hard to lose 15 pounds by Christmas and know the nachos won’t help. You’ll feel more confident when you’re educated and it’ll become easier to stand up for yourself in a way that feels good.

But hey -- if you’re that friend pressuring someone to eat food that you know they’re working really hard to avoid… well let’s just say, don’t be that friend. 

2. Communicate Openly with Friends and Loved Ones

It’s easy to be overwhelmed when you feel like you’re the only one in your circle who’s even attempting to live a healthy life. Your kids have pizza every other day, your husband seems unable to live without dessert, and nearly every photo on social media includes a friend of yours holding a Mai tai. Great.

The first step is to ask your loved ones for support. Tell them you want to make healthier choices, so you feel better with more energy.  Maybe you’re concerned about aging and staying healthy as you age, living a long life free of disease.  The key is to communicate. Your family can’t read your mind!

Make it really obvious that you’re changing your old habits for new, healthier ones. Whether that’s posting your gym routine to Instagram or filling the pantry with almonds instead of Oreos, it should be really clear to the people around you that this is important.

3. Get Others Involved

You don’t have to do it alone! Include your family and friends in your healthy habits and urge them to get involved.

Decide on healthy recipes with your family and make an effort to cook together. Start a fun fitness challenge with your coworkers. Go to the gym with your friends instead of going out for drinks.

When you encourage others to join you on your health journey, they will benefit, and appreciate your support. We can all learn together. We as women need to education and support other women and our children why it’s important to lead healthy lives.

4. Find a Likeminded Community

Once you start living a healthy lifestyle, the community will naturally follow. You just have to get out there.

For instance, once a week, you can trade your solo gym workout for a group exercise class and meet some new people. Spend time at the local juice bar. Chat with the farmers at the fresh food market. Nurturing this new community will only strengthen your bond with eating better, healthier foods and taking care of your body.

There’s a whole online community of likeminded health-conscious people, too – which you probably already know since you’re here. Connect on social media with other individuals who want to learn about implementing a healthy lifestyle.

5. Lead by Example

Sometimes, you’re not going to have the support you need from friends or loved one. But that’s ok. In this case, you need to lead the pack.

For your kids’ bake sale, bring protein packed oat clusters instead of sugary treats. When you’re invited to dinner or a party politely ask what’s on the menu and ask if you can bring a veggie tray instead of fattening dips and desserts. And it never hurts to be proactive, if it’s a pizza party you might want to eat before you go and snack on the veggies (that you brought).

Leading by example will give you the self-assurance to stick with your healthy lifestyle no matter what anyone else has to say. There’s nothing better than inspiring others and to feel good about the choices you made after you leave the party.

6. Mindfulness - Slow It Down and Take a Breath

No one is perfect and you shouldn’t expect to be. Being healthy in an unhealthy world can take its toll since there are so many unhealthy choices constantly thrown our way.

Notice these moments of stress, stop, and take a 3 or 4 deep, cleansing breaths. You may even want to plan these “check-ins” into your schedule.

Practices checking in with yourself as you come to the end of your lunch break, on your way to pick up the kids from school, or before bed. Remind yourself to breathe and ask yourself how you’re doing. Acknowledge your efforts and be proud of yourself accomplishments.

It’ll be absolutely essential you have a plan to reset.

How do you manage being a healthy, strong woman in such an unhealthy world? How have you learned to cope with pressure from friends and family? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

7 Tips for A Flatter Tummy

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One of the first things my new clients say is that they want a flatter tummy. Belly fat can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. It also affects a woman’s confidence and how she feels in her clothes.

Even more important is the problem that this type of fat around the mid-section is a risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The good news—you can do something about it.

Here are 7 tips to help you lose belly fat so you can wear those form fitting clothes and feel beautiful in them:

1. Eat a high protein diet: Protein should be a part of every meal. It keeps you full, decreases your appetite, and helps build strong muscles. Studies have shown that eating quality protein (i.e., beef, salmon, eggs, turkey, pork, fish & chicken) throughout the day decreases abdominal fat—the type of fat that can be a precursor for obesity and disease. Not sure how much protein to eat? Strive for 0.8 grams per pound of body weight.

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2.   Cut out sugar: For many of us, this is easier said than done. Sugar tastes good, and many compare it to a drug that you can become addicted to overtime. Quitting cold turkey usually doesn't work. Instead, try to find healthier ways to satisfy your sweet tooth. Swap out candy for some fruit, and if you crave chocolate, eat a small piece of dark chocolate (at least 70% dark or higher), which is also heart-healthy. And don't forget those sugary drinks that are often overlooked. Ditch the sodas and juices, which are loaded with sugar. Flavored unsweetened seltzer or water is just as good and ten times better for your waistline. 

3.   Get active: It sounds obvious, but it's always worth repeating. Cardiovascular exercise and resistance training will always work in reducing belly fat. You'll burn calories whether you're running, walking, biking, rowing, or taking your favorite dance class. Studies show that aerobic exercise leads to weight loss, which ultimately results in reduced abdominal fat. What women sometimes forget is the strength training part of the equation. Resistance training at least three times a week will not only get you stronger, but the muscles you build will take the place of fat. So don't forget to lift those weights!

4.   Cut refined carbs and processed foods: Carbs often get a bad rap, and there is some good reason for that. The problem occurs when you don't eat the right carbs. A refined carb has basically been stripped of its nutritional value, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The lack of these critical nutrients has been linked to obesity. Opt for complex carbs such as yams, sweet potatoes, whole oats, quinoa, and wild brown or black rice.

The same goes for processed foods. Just seeing the word "processed" on a box should be enough for you to stay away from it as it's far from being natural and healthy. These foods are usually loaded with sugars and other ingredients that do nothing to keep your body healthy or your belly flat.

5.   Drink apple cider vinegar (ACV) every day: A tall tale or health hack? Whatever you may think about drinking apple cider vinegar, the truth lies in the science. One study showed that daily intake of apple cider vinegar significantly reduced belly fat. The acetic acid in the vinegar is what does the trick. And not only that, but ACV has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels. Just be sure to dilute it with some water, so it's easier to drink.

6.   Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for all living things, and that includes you. Water regulates your internal body temperature through sweating, it metabolizes and transports carbs and proteins, it helps flush waste out of your system, and it keeps your joints lubricated. The list goes on and on. When it comes to belly fat, water is the perfect weapon to keep your body healthy while flushing out whatever may be causing belly bloat.

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 7.   Get more sleep: They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing. A good night's sleep, which should be at least seven hours a night, is vital for various reasons. Not only is it beneficial for mental clarity, but it also reduces cortisol (the stress hormone). Lack of quality sleep has also been shown to increase ghrelin levels—the hormone that regulates your appetite. That means you're more likely to eat more, which can lead to belly fat.

Some of these tips may be much easier than others, and that's okay. Rome wasn't built in a day, so no one expects you to change your habits over night. Pick the one you know is the most significant contributor to your belly fat and work on changing that behavior. If you can break the most challenging habit, the rest should be easy!








Mitochondria 101 - Why It’s Important to Your Health

Mitochondria are a number of organized structures within a living cell. The function of the mitochondria is to produce energy within the cell called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This cellular respiration takes nutrients from the cell, breaks it down and creates energy for the cell. When it comes to health and disease prevention, your mitochondrial wellbeing and capacity basically can't be exaggerated enough. On the off chance that your mitochondria are not working great, nothing else will either. They affect metabolism and play a role in our well being and how our body produces energy.


Mitochondria 101

The powerhouse of your cells, creating around 90% of the vitality being produced in your body.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cells, creating around 90 percent of the vitality being produced in your body. With much neglect to acknowledge is that completely everything that occurs in your body, every single muscle constriction, biochemical course, cell recovery, detoxification etcetera requires vitality. Nothing can happen in a vitality vacuum.

"A lot of things occur in the cell that individuals don't think about, like the exchange of particles crosswise over films, or the support of the state of the cytoskeleton (microscopic network of protein filaments and tubules in the cytoplasm of many living cells). For the micro tubules to keep up their shape, they require a contribution of vitality. Everything that occurs in the cell requires vitality, whenever you have a reduction in that vitality generation, things can begin to fall apart."

How Do We Eat to Optimize Our Mitochondria?

The most important food ingredient to give up is sugar and limit grains because they resort to sugar in the bloodstream. Mitochondria do better functioning off healthy fats, like sardines, walnuts, avocado, coconut oil, and MCT oil. You want to eat high fat and low crab, because the mitochondria use fatty acids or carbohydrates to create the ATP, but if you give them more fat and less carbohydrate, you'll have less free radicals formed. You also want to eat lots and lots of colorful vegetables, because the more phytonutrients you must nourish your body, the more you will certainly nourish your mitochondria as well. We additionally know some veggies, like sulfur-rich veggies (cauliflower, cabbage, etc.), benefit producing glutathione, an effective antioxidant that benefits the mitochondria.

Mitochondria likewise have other fundamentally essential capacities. For instance, they go about as the organizer for apoptosis (a form of programmed cell death), a critical procedure that guarantees the passing of failing cells that may transform into tumors. This is called Apoptosis.

Apoptosis is essentially cell suicide. Through the span of a cell's life, it's going to be harmed. At the point when that harm crosses a limit, signals are sent to the phone that let it know, 'you’re never again be useful, and you better confer suicide for the more prominent benefit of the living being.' What's intriguing is that the most current research has demonstrated that it's the mitochondria that start that phone suicide program.

It's the mitochondria that get each one of those signs and decide if that limit has been achieved. It's additionally fascinating that if your mitochondria are broken, it probably won't have the capacity to comprehend those signs appropriately and not give the flag for apoptosis or cell death when it should happen.

Another important facet is that every one of those distinctive things that occur in the apoptosis course likewise requires a contribution of vitality. In this way, even though it may have the capacity to peruse the signs legitimately and give the flag that it's a great time to commit suicide if there's insufficient energy produce, defective cells will survive and multiple. The dysfunctional mitochondria are the basis behind what we know as cancer.

5 tips to Strengthen Your Mitochondria:

  1. Sun Exposure - Sunlight is one of the most powerful mitochondrial boosters for optimal wellness and wellness.

  2. Cold Thermogenesis - Daily cool showers, polar plunges, or cryotherapy are fantastic means to cool exposure.

  3. Periodic Intermittent Fasting - Studies have shown calorie limitation to enhanced mitochondrial function as well as increased longevity.

  4. Move Extra - The average American sits for 13 hours a day. Include the advised 8 hours of rest and we're inactive for 21/24 hrs. each day - almost 88% of our time. Mitochondria like exercise, activity, as well as movement. Feed your mitochondria as much movement as possible.

  5. Vitamins - These are the 5 natural supplements that boost mitochondrial function.

    a. BioPQQ (polyquinoline quinone)

    b. Magnesium Threonate

    c. B-Vitamins - especially nicotinamide (a form of Vitamin B-3)

    d. Nitric Oxide Boosters - L-Arginine and L-Citrulline

    e. Alpha-lipoic-Acid





The 5 Things I Do Every Weekend to Stay Healthy All Week

Staying healthy all week takes some planning, and what I’ve learned is that if I don’t have a plan and schedule the whole week goes haywire. One of my favorite quotes that I find so true is “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Benjamin Franklin. I want to be successful in my health journey and I’m sure you do too, so let’s make a plan. Here I talk about the 5 things I do every weekend to ensure my success for the week.

1. Routine

Routine is everything because the body strives on regularity and structure, especially if your main goal is weight loss. If you have a structured schedule on weekdays and then everything goes haywire on the weekend your body will pay for it. For instance, if you are eating healthy planned meals during the week and then you go crazy on fast food, sugar, and alcohol on the weekend you will wake up Monday morning feeling sick and 3-4 pounds heavier than the week before. Talk about making yourself feel bad. To avoid this, think of how you want to feel on Monday morning, and what steps you need to take to create that good feeling, and then do that!

If you want success with your weight loss and to wake up Monday morning with a flat tummy with no weight gain follow your same structure as you do during the week. Some examples are, eat at the same times on the weekend as you do during the week, stay hydrated and drink all your water, get 8 or more hours of sleep and if you missed any of your workouts during the week make sure to get it in on the weekend. I’ve been doing this for many years and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that “winners are made on the weekend”.

2. Meal Planning and Shopping for The Week

Every Saturday I plan my meals for the next week, make a grocery list and head to the store. I like to shop at Costco for the most part since I can buy in bulk and save money. It’s important to buy organic veggies, fruit, and meat since these are free from pesticides and added hormones our bodies should not be consuming. If you have a local farmers market get your fruit and veggies there. Strive to get fresh foods that are in season. If possible buy local eggs, meats, such as chicken, pork, and beef.

3. Advance Prep for The Week

When I return from the grocery store I clean, cut, and measure out the veggies, and make my salads for the entire week. I have individual containers for salads and meals. If I have time on Saturday I will cook all my meat and/or recipes and divide them up into their individual containers with the veggies and carbs. It works best if I shop on Saturday and cook everything on Sunday. If you are working an 8 to 5 job you will want to have your meals ready and with you all day. Having your food with you and eating on a regular schedule will avoid blood sugars from dropping so you don’t eat unhealthy fast foods that put on weight.

4. Pack Your Gym Bag the Night Before

Sunday evenings I make sure my gym bag has everything I need for my Monday workout. I keep certain things in my bag at all times such as toiletries. I always have my headphones in my bag and charged up every weekend. I have my workout gloves and straps in my gym bag at all times. I put out my workout pants, top, shoes and socks so I don’t have to think about it the next morning. It’s there ready for me to put on and head out the door. Or if you are heading to the gym after work you’ll have your gym bag packed and waiting in your car, no excuses, you’ve already planned for it.

5. Gym Schedule

I always have my workout times scheduled on my calendar. Every Sunday I look it over to make sure there is nothing that will get in the way of my workouts for the week. If it’s on your schedule you can arrange everything else around it. If someone wants you to comment to something else during that time simply tell them you don’t have that time available and inform them of another time you do have available. Don’t let others dictate your schedule.

Final word, these five simple things I do every weekend might seem basic but they are important for your success if you want to make progress. Most people fall off the wagon on the weekends and never hit their goals. Being and staying healthy is a lifestyle. Give it 100% for 21 days and I promise you will feel better than you have felt in years.

Is Intermittent Fasting For Women

You might have heard one of your friends or someone on social media mentions they are doing intermittent fasting for weight loss. You might think its just another trend, however, there is actually some good research and science-backed benefits on why this is not just a trend. Intermittent fasting produces more weight loss compared to long-term calorie restriction. 

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a dietary approach where you only eat during specific time periods, and then give your gut a break from digestion and insulin spikes for 16-24 hours or more. I personally eat in this manner and have coached many clients, who have experienced tremendous benefits in health and weight loss. The basic American diet routine has shown us that what many of us have been doing has tragic results. Many now have chronic inflammation which brings about troubles like immune and hormonal dysfunction, thyroid disease, cancer, and even weight management resistance. Intermittent fasting is known to be a wonderful tool for taking care of these issues. There are a few reasons why it's particularly useful for weight loss.

What Is Intermittent Fasting And Is It Right for You (without word).jpg

Walk right into a mechanic's workshop and you won't see just one device hanging on the wall. You'll spot a fixed board covered in tools of all various sizes and shapes. Each has a purpose and a value, yet you wouldn't necessarily utilize every one of them at the same time.

Nutrition is not much different: There are a great deal of different tools you can utilize to maintain healthy functioning as well as look the way you desire. Understanding just what those tools are, when and how you can best utilize them, can aid you to maintain and improve your health.

Intermittent fasting seems complex, however it actually a very simple concept. The idea is to not consume food for 12 to 24 hours, therefore, only consuming food during specific hours of the day. Research shows you get the most benefits of Autophagy is when you fast 16 hours or more. Autophagy is a natural way the body cleanse itself. For examples, this is one scenario how it works; you stop all food intake after 7 pm, sleep, awaken the next morning, skip breakfast, and continue the fast up to mid-day. Only drinking purified water, organic coffee, or tea. Food for that day is consumed between the hours of 2 and 8 pm. As you get familiar with intermittent fasting, you can push that window of time to be much more press. Some like to eat earlier in the day rather than the night hours, i.e. 9 AM to 3 PM, whichever works well for you. The key is to consistency find what works for your schedule and lifestyle.

What are the benefits?

•    Weight-loss
•    Anti-aging
•    Upgrade in cell Autophagy
•    May help with prevent diabetes

Who should not do intermittent fasting

•    It is not for you if you are not eating healthy whole foods, but more sugars, carbs and junk food.
•    If you are on medication such as insulin
•    If you are not providing your body with enough calories
•    If you have a history of eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia
•    If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
•    If you are on any medications, you need to talk to your doctor before doing any intermittent fasting


1.    Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.4161/auto.6.6.12376
2.    What is Autophagy? https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Autophagy.aspx
3.    Alternate-day fasting and chronic disease prevention: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/86/1/7/4633143
4.    Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-nutr-071816-064634


Sometimes life can get us down and can be challenging. However the way we look at life, situations and what we say to ourselves is what determines our happiness, and growth. I believe we create our lives by our thoughts and we can have success, great relationships, our dream job, health, and much more. I know this works because it has changed my life. Here are five things you can start to say to yourself to shift your thought process to one of achievement and growth.

5 Affirmations for Personal Growth:

  1. I am in control of my thoughts, therefore, I journal everyday what I will create for that day. What I am grateful for and what action steps to take.

  2. Obstacles are my opportunities for success, and to prove to myself what I am capable of.

  3. I am pro-active in creating the structure I need everyday so that I will have a strong foundation for long-term growth.

  4. I am a beautiful, strong, pro-active action taker. I can accomplish whatever I put my mind too.

  5. I always take care of my health, mind and body by exercising daily and only eating whole food that will make me strong for life, and free from disease.

Write these down and put them on your fridge, bathroom mirror, work station, car and in your purse. You deserve the best life ever, but it is up to you to take the action steps!

5 Tips for Better Sleep & Recovery

Sufficient and quality sleep is one of the most important, and sadly ignored, elements of a sound mind and body. We could spend so much time and energy on our physical conditioning, nutrition, and social-emotional sides of our lives and totally bypass among the columns of health and wellness.

We often fall into the trap of prior sleep to “get more done.” Nevertheless, it’s important to try to at least improve your sleep quality, through whichever means you deem appropriate.

In this article, I’ll discuss some of my favorite tips for optimizing your sleep habits, you will learn what deep sleep is, why it’s so important; and how you can improve your sleep over time.

1.    Adjust When You Exercise

Surprisingly, the time of day that you exercise may have a significant impact on how well you sleep; furthermore, the moment you exercise could influence various elements of sleep. For instance, how long it takes to go to sleep as well as just how you remain asleep throughout the night.

When a person exercises in the morning, they have less trouble falling asleep. Interestingly, regardless of the training time, exercise reduced the number of times you woke up at night. Basically, this detail leads us in conclusion that workout in fact favorably influence sleep. In addition, depending upon your sleep issue, the time you workout may have a considerable impact.

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2.    Say Bye Bye to your Gizmo’s

As the reason coincides-- the "blue light" emitted from digital displays (including TVs, computers, and phones) hinders the body's natural manufacturing of melatonin. This makes sleep-- and definitely deep sleep-- much less achievable.

The earlier you quit utilizing these blue light displays the better, as there light has actually been shown to subdue melatonin for approximately 3 hours.

If you're anything like the majority of people living in the modern world, stepping far from all digital gadgets 3 hours before bed may help enhance sleep considerably. 

3.    Build A Regular Rhythm

Interestingly, our bodies have a biological rhythm, which manages almost every function in the body, from when you wake, to when you like to exercise and go to bed. Additionally, most hormonal output pertaining to these occasions also happens on a rhythm. For instance, did you know that your body releases cortisol in the early morning, which ultimately causes you to wake and prepare for the day?

Ends up, this is an important part of your body clock. Melatonin, as I mentioned earlier, is additionally a regulatory authority of your circadian rhythm. Having irregular and/or short amount of time to fall asleep is among the significant concerns pounding our melatonin manufacturing.

Keep in mind that your body does not quit on the weekends. Whenever possible, I recommend attempting to keep your routine of sleeping and waking, whenever feasible, even on the weekend breaks. However, make sure it’s quality sleep for 8 hours. 

4.     Why is Deep Sleep So Important?

Naturally, most of us want to rest better, but those that are working to improve their efficiency and preparedness throughout the day know that the Holy Grail is improving our quantity of deep sleep.

Not to get as well technical, yet deep rest, or the last of NREM (or non-REM) sleep, is the moment when your brain waves are at their lowest frequency and you are at your hardest to wake up. Deep sleep is the moment when our bodies are working hardest to recuperate, reinforcing our minds and fixing our bodies from the previous day's physical effort. It's no surprise that individuals who typically state they're well rested have shown that they have had high-quality deep rest.

5.    Stay consistent!

One of the most common triggers for severe muscle soreness is an exercise that is different from what you are accustomed to! Regardless of the amount of weight lifted, repetitions performed, types of exercises used and so on, if the exercise stress is relatively new to you, you will likely be quite sore. The best way to combat this is by staying consistent with your workout routine. Even the most intense of exercise sessions can be adapted to and recovered from using the strategies above, as long as you STAY CONSISTENT. Without consistency, you can do everything else right and still be extremely sore the days following a workout. 

Why Autophagy is Important and Why You Need to Stimulate It

Good news there's a little-known approach your body does to clean itself from damage and free radicals. It's a process you can tap into that accelerates self-eating.


Wait What?...

Yes, you could truly train your body to eat itself - and believe it or not, you should want and need it.

It's a natural process called Autophagy meaning “self-eating”, the body’s system of cleaning house. Explained in easier terms, it a cellular cleansing process that removes toxins within the cells and repairs dead, infected, damaged cells left behind; swallowing up the weaker parts of the body, to make it stronger. This could also be called survival of the fittest. 

Autophagy makes us more efficient by getting rid of flawed parts, protecting us from many different cancers, as well as excessive weight gain, and diabetes. Autophagy is can also slow the aging process.  

When we’re younger our cells are vibrant and more efficient, and duplicating like crazy, but as we age our cells aren't duplicating as much and eventually we die. Now, since we are aging and starting to lose cells, we do need to make sure we become a lot more efficient at making the stronger cells even stronger and begin to increase, and we can do that with Autophagy. The benefits of enhancing this process is so the cells are stronger, which slows down the aging process, so we can live longer and feel more youthful without sickness. 

Another benefit is when Autophagy is working at an accelerated pace, we have high levels of Nero protection that’s occurring. Which means, intermittent fasting helps enhance cognitive function, which may help the brain to learn more easily. As brain cells become more powerful, it protects us from dementia and Alzheimer's. 

Now, I know you're asking yourself “how do I eat myself?” Well, I’m about to tell you. First, autophagy is a response to stress, but we want to utilize “good stressors” not bad ones. The good stressors are things like exercise and intermittent fasting. Let’s take a look at these:

1.    Exercise

Exercise puts stress on the body, however, this is the good stress. Exercise damages your muscle tissue, and it creates little microscopic tears that the body then rushes to heal, this creates more muscle mass and resistant to any more damage you might place it through.

Regular exercise is a natural way you can help your body to cleanse. That must be why we feel so refreshed and stress free after a good hard workout.

2.    Intermittent Fast

Ironically for people who "cleanse" by drinking juice (which can be high in sugar), the act of eating actually works against autophagy. Skipping meals can lead to another stressful act that the body may not immediately love but ultimately take advantage of.

Intermittent fasting is a term that involves time-restricted eating. There are many different ways to do this but if you’re a woman you’ll have to consider hormones will play into what you can do. Start with a 12 hour fast and see how your body feels, and build up from there. Autophagy starts at 16 hours and becomes more powerful between 24-48 hours for the best effects. You might consider trying your first fast starting at 7 pm and then fast until 7 am the next morning. 

3.    Reduce Your Intake of Carbs

Reducing the amount of carbs in your diet will induce autophagy. It may be hard to make drastic changes to your diet all at once, so slowly work yourself into it. Try one of these ideas to start with, and then implement more of them as you are able.

Simply cutting carbs on odd days, or two days with carbs and two days without carbs has been shown to increase autophagy. Bodybuilders have been doing this to manipulate fat loss for years. However, there’s another way to get similar benefits without giving up your favorite rib eye, but you will need to stop eating sugar either way.

It is called a ketogenic diet, and it's an ever more preferred diet for anybody looking for a much longer lifespan and to help prevent health-related disease. The idea is to reduce carbs to 10% of overall calories so that the body has no choice but to use fat as a fuel source instead of glucose from carbs. This puts you in a ketosis, which induces autophagy. 

So, here's my own conclusion… Regular workout, as well as occasional carbohydrate restriction, carry mountains of advantages in addition to their likely impact on autophagy. The very best that may happen is a stronger, leaner, as well as cleaner body. That's our type of cleansing.


1) 10-5-16 How autophagy could lead to a cure for cancer and spell the end of diabetes:
2) 5-24-15 Autophagy https://theartofmed.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/autophagy/
3) 8-16-10 Fasting increases circulating levels of several neurotrophic factors
4) Exercise induces autophagy in peripheral tissues and in the brain

Do Emotional Eaters Have BusyBody Problems?

Something to think about, busybodies are commonly driven by excellent intentions yet they're driven by subconscious reasons.

Are you wondering if you're a BusyBody or have BusyBody patterns?

Let’s explore the following 3 scenarios below:

The Caretaker

You are very in harmony with people in demand. You really feel good being mama duck, seeing to your little ducklings are done in a row, right where you desire them, where their more than happy and secure.

Have you ever tried to change a person to the way you think they should be? Have you ever felt aggravated that people didn't do exactly what you asked, as well as resisted you and challenge you?

Do Emotional Eaters Have (Busy) Body Problems.jpg

The Rescuer

You really feel you must step in, save the day, take control of the circumstance. Have you ever felt pain because the person you're aiming to aid, kindly or not-so-kindly informed you to butt out? Do you consistently do your kids' homework, and/or make the last-minute drive to school if they have forgotten their homework at home? Then to end up with youngsters that anticipate you to be the homework fairy?

The Do-Gooder

You volunteer when you should not, then it makes you feel resentful and stressed. Have you ever before seemed like an overloaded and stressed out martyr due to the fact that you realize far too late that you've taken on to much? No one else is raising their hand, and the worry falls on your shoulders.

I don't imply to suggest that aiding is a bad thing. We are hard-wired to help each other and also, it's a natural element of being a person. The problems arise when individuals attempt to aid all the time, further effecting our own quality of life or ability to care for ones health.

Do  scenarios like these lead you right to the refrigerator? You can get out of the busybody trap and get your life back.

Why it's very easy to fall into the busybody trap

Two reasons people become busybodies:

Control or lack thereof. Psychological eaters are usually controlled freaks since we feel out of control ourselves. Going a bit deeper, the ego should be in control; as well as the ego always must be right.

Everyone enjoys the thrill of stepping in and saving the day ... however, ego is hard-headed. Vanity drives to take over so you can be smarter/wiser/stronger and more in control compared to others, however, that commonly backfires when people see you as a hard-headed know-it-all.

Disturbance. Concentrating on other people's problems additionally offers an effective distraction from our own issues, feelings, truth, as well as thoughts. It's uncomfortable to encounter our own stuff as well as easier to hide behind other individuals’ troubles.

Here are 5-steps to stop the BusyBody and take your life back:

1.       Never say yes until you take the time to think about. Tell the person that is asking you will have to get back to them. Give yourself at least one day to consider and think about what you will be sacrificing in your own life. Can you really afford the added time, effort, and stress? Constantly saying "I'll do it" at your own expenditure causes stress that creates emotional eating. Help only when it feels great to assist! Otherwise, say no. There are others that could do it!

2.       Inform on your own, "Not my apes, not my circus!" There are circuses taking place all around you. You have an option whether you enter the ring or otherwise. Dramatization = anxiety. You meddle, feelings get harmed (they probably really did not desire you to butt in but were too respectful to claim so), as well as you pacify with food.

3.       Ask yourself, "What landed me in this situation?" if you're already in a situation that's backfiring. The response is always, "I got myself in this situation." Taking responsibility requires you to be extra familiar with your choice, as well as prevent you from making it again.

4.       Say no more often ... to yourself. Tell yourself, it's fine not to butt in. People are who they are. You cannot change them. If you're doing your children' homework, remind yourself, homework aids children to the discovery of the subject. It additionally shows them self-control, obligation, and most importantly, effects. Real life is an extreme area for any individual that is used to being rescued!

5.       Do not handle other people's problems. Rather than having compassion as well as attempting to take care of the scenario for them, show concern, but urge them to fix their own situations. Empower them, do not be superior to them, and don't drain yourself aiming to help.

Being a busybody is ineffective. It can damage connections, destroy your health, trash your state of mind, and prevent you from enjoying life.

When you start to see when you're stepping into scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with you, you reduced your anxiety as well as reduced your yearnings.

The biggest obstacle is recognizing when to say no to others as well as to yourself. Push away the discomfort and focus on improving yourself. Making this adjustment may be some work, but it will instantly minimize weight on your mind ... and also your body! I assure!

If you desire different results in your life, you'll have to take different actions. This can be an exciting adventure if you choose. 

Wake Up! Your Walking Workout!

Walking is one of the easiest and best kinds of workouts. Walking uses your whole body, calls for zero equipment or unique gear, could happen just about anywhere, is easy on your joints, and involves an impact which is terrific for your bones. So, why aren't you walking?











Many people incorrectly assume since walking is reduced effect and simple, that it cannot possibly be as valuable. But, the reality is the benefits of strolling opponent to doing nothing has its advantages:

Advantages Consist of:

  • lower high blood pressure,

  • decreased danger of stroke,

  • lowered threat of cardiovascular disease,

  • reduced cholesterol,

  • rise in bone thickness, and

  • raised sense of well-being

  • mental and physical benefits

  • your clothes will get a little looser

  • your legs will look great

Walking can be an excellent weight-loss tool, in addition to a reliable approach for boosting your health and fitness. However, since it's much less literally demanding compared to several other tasks, you will require a couple of strategies to obtain the outcomes you want.

Make sure you continue to get results by mixing things up. Change up your pace by walking at a faster pace for 1-2 minutes and then a moderate pace for 2 minutes. If you're going slower, you could go farther. As well as, if you're walking much faster, you can minimize the distance. To keep your body stimulated for fat loss, mix it up!

Discover a hillside (or two!)

Hills are a terrific means to enhance your intensity without having to walk faster OR longer. As well as, hillsides will certainly recruit your heart rate a bit differently than flat terrain, which will boost fat burning effects at a higher level.

Gain a little weight (not really!)

Adding extra weight to your walking exercise is an easy method to challenge yourself at the next level. While you could have seen individuals sporting hand or ankle weights while walking in your area, weighted vests are a much safer method to burn extra added calories.

The vest evenly distributes weight naturally as to not alter the means you stroll.

Get innovative

Spice up your strolling routine by including added workouts in the process. See a park bench on your path? Stop and do a set of push-ups or triceps dips. Discover a collection of staircases? Playground? Why not jump on the swing, hang from a bar, or any of the various other fun activities that offer themselves.

Need more ideas? Try this walking workout

Walking Circuit Workout – 45 minutes

  • 5 minute walk – warm-up

  • 2 minutes jog

  • 1 minute walking lunges

  • 2 minute walk

  • 2 minute jog

  • 20 traveling lateral skip squats – 10 each side

  • 2 minute walk

  • Continue sequence until you reach 45 minutes

If you start on a regular routine you are more likely to add other healthy behaviours. So, lace up those tennis shoes and go out there!


Modern lifestyle habits and choices can come with consequences, especially when we are inactive and not aware of healthy nutrition habits. What happens is our bad habits eventually catch up with us and affects our quality of life. Which we can pretty much count on if we don’t take care of ourselves. Our bodies are not meant to be inactive and need regular physical activity to continue to function correctly.

Maintaining overall functional strength is important so that the nervous system and musculature system can communicate and produce optimal movement. When there are muscle imbalance it can lead to common injuries such as ankle sprains, tendonitis, and low-back plan. Physical exercise provides so many benefits, five which are below:



Cardiovascular benefits

Regular cardio has a profound result on your heart's wellness. Post-exercise your high blood pressure is decreased and this decreases the stress and anxiety on your arteries as well as capillaries, where oxygen, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged. It additionally prevents your arteries from accumulating plaque and ensures a healthy flow of blood throughout your body in addition to decreasing the dangers of a stroke.

Increases resistance versus chronic health problems

Type 2 diabetes is a problem that causes higher levels of blood glucose, and your body doesn’t use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. You can reverse type 2 diabetes by losing weight through exercise and changing your nutrition to mostly whole natural foods. People with type 2 diabetes, have a shorter life expectancy of about 10 years

Helps control weight

Keeping a healthy weight as well as BMI is not possible with a sedentary lifestyle. Reducing body fat and weight can be done by burning more calories than you consume. Exercise, if integrated with an appropriate nutrition plan, aids to burn excess calories and build muscle mass, which in return speeds up metabolism. This consequently will allow you to continually improve physically while maintaining a healthy body mass.

Enhances your mood

Your body releases endorphins after a workout as these are the body's all-natural painkillers. They also significantly improve your mood as well as induce positive emotions and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise has helped many individuals suffering from depression. It also helps boost confidence, takes your mind off worries, and cope with many everyday situation in a healthy way.  I encourage you to take advantage of the mood-enhancing effects of a workout.

Develops the mind

The routine workout has a positive impact on your cognitive abilities and avoids your neurons from degenerating. Researches have shown that normal workout causes the hippocampus to increase in size. The hippocampus is responsible for verbal memory as well as learning. Exercise additionally promotes the release of chemicals called growth aspects. These oversee the health and wellness and development of the cells in your brain.

Your body is like a well developed machine that needs to be maintained, just like your car. The human body will break down or have permanent damage if it’s neglected and continually given cheap fuel. To function properly it needs routine and to be cared for effectively. Take action today, change your lifestyle, and you’ll find exercise offers many benefits way beyond just feeling better.

Hydration And How Crucial It Is For Your Health

Water affects every organ and cell within your body. You may not have known this, but water even plays an enormous role in the health of your back and spine.

Most of us associate dehydration—when more water is moving out of our body than we are taking in—with muscle cramps, fatigue, and extreme thirst. Indeed, these are just some of the consequences of subpar hydration. But, did you know that dehydration affects your brain as well?


Our brain is made up of around 73% water. If we don’t keep up with our water intake, especially in hot weather or while exercising, our thinking and cognition can suffer. In one study, adolescents who exercised for 90 minutes to a state of dehydration experienced significant shrinking of brain tissue, much like a sponge left out to dry.

Make sure you drink enough

Recommendations vary depending on weight, age, and activity level but an easy one to remember is 8x8, or 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water each day. You can also divide your weight in pounds by 2 and drink that number in ounces. For example, a 130-pound female would need 65 ounces (135/2) of water per day. Many experts recommend drinking to thirst—if you are thirsty, drink!

Mental benefits

Not only does staying hydrated help balance your mood by aiding in body regulation and brain function, but it also offers some big-time benefits for your memory. Yep, it’s true. Proper hydration can help improve the flow of both blood and oxygen to your brain, ultimately helping strengthen cognitive function and memory.

Fighting fatigue

 The equation here is a simple one—a well-hydrated body is a well-energized body. Combine that with the fact that hydration can also contribute to better sleep, and you may be able to kiss the need for that regular cup of joe each morning goodbye. (Sip mindfully as you enter the evening hours, though, since consuming liquids too close to bedtime could leave you running for the bathroom in the middle of the night).

Maximize Physical Performance

If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance can suffer. This is particularly important during intense exercise or high heat. Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2 percent of your body’s water content. However, it is not uncommon for athletes to lose up to 6-10 percent of their water weight via sweat.

This can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, increased fatigue and make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally.

Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this from happening, and may even reduce the oxidative stress that occurs during high intensity exercise. This is not surprising when you consider that muscle is about 80 percent water.

How to Tell if You're Dehydrated

·       Your pee will be dark in color (resembling apple juice)

·       You may feel nauseous and experience fatigue

·       You might cramp up, lose focus, and feel groggy

·       You stop sweating

Hydration is also important for health reasons

Dehydration can cause a dangerous imbalance in blood-sodium and fluid levels, which can lead to serious illness and even death.

The risks are heightened in extremely warm weather. If you're training outside in the heat, make sure to take in extra fluids to keep your body temperature down and prevent cramping.

Water is truly the elixir of life. As you experience all the wonderful milestones of summer, remember to drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in hydrating whole fruits and vegetables to keep you going strong all summer long. Your body (and mind) will thank you!

Practicing Self-Care & Fitness Has It's Benefits

Practicing Self-Care & Fitness Has It's Benefits - By Guest Writer Sheila Olson

As we grow up, we pick up the belief that the greater the sacrifice you make, the greater the reward.  While working hard is essential for achieving your goals in life, the big question is when is how much striving too much? For many people, accomplishing their ambitions comes at the cost of their health. Self-care can help you regain balance in your life.

Women outdoors.png

Practicing self-care offers numerous mental, physical, emotional, and psychological benefits including:

•           Boosts your self-esteem and confidence

•           Helps you maintain healthy relationships

•           Relieves stress

•           Promotes focus, creativity, clarity, and productivity.

•           Improves your outlook on life

•           Promotes mental health

•           Builds resilience and problem-solving ability

•           Cultivates peace, calm and happiness in your life

The importance of fitness to your self-care routine?

Fitness helps you build strength and boosts your vitality to enable you to perform your daily tasks optimally. Exercising detoxifies your body and aids in maintaining a healthy weight, lowering your risk of diseases such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases.

People in recovery stand to benefit significantly by including exercise into their lives. Studies show that exercising lowers stress levels while producing feel-good hormones. The feel-good hormones provide a natural high while the reduced stress levels reduce the urge to use drugs. Some people in recovery pursue exercise and sports as a means of self-actualization which keeps their minds occupied, gives them a sense of accomplishment, and boosts their self-esteem.

Incorporate fitness into your life

Identify an exercise you enjoy such as jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, boxing, hiking, aerobics, dancing, and weight training among others. Start exercising 20 minutes a day for 3-5 days a week and increase frequency, intensity, and length of time as your body becomes stronger. Incorporate self-care in your fitness routine by eating healthy whole foods and hydrating adequately. Also, avoid overtraining, and warm up and cool down for at least 10 minutes per session.

Integrating other self-care practices

Initially, it may feel like self-care is taking up too much time on your already busy schedule, or that it is selfish. Start out with smaller time-frames and build up gradually. The idea is to commit every day to do something that nurtures you, even if it is for five minutes. Self-care takes being deliberate and not making excuses.  Some days it will be easy to get in the flow, other days it may feel like a lot of work. Either way, keep showing up.

Occasionally take time out to just breath and literally smell the roses. Take morning or evening walks in nature. Every so often allocate time for a bubble bath, massage or a facial. Plan and begin saving up for that vacation you have been intending to take.

Create an end of the day ritual whereby 30 minutes before your bedtime, turn off all the electronics, dim the lights, and get in bed. Take a few deep breaths and allow your body to ease tension. Identify at least three things in your life or the day that you are grateful for. You may make a mental note of them or actually note them down in your journal. Allow yourself to lay relaxed, aware of your body until you drift away to sleep.

There will always be a new goal for you to pursue and things to do. Self-care may mean the difference between whether you go through life overloaded with stress, or with ease. Do not wait until the damage of neglecting yourself is done, take charge of your life now and find ways you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Photo credit: Unsplash


Sandy Hancock

It's talked about often that losing weight “feels great.” Many assume that this feeling arrives after months of sweat and determination. However, as soon as you start to incorporate a healthy lifestyle of whole foods and exercise you will feel a change. Your energy will start to soar. Your mood will improve and you will find yourself having feelings of happiness and self-worth. You may be able to get off some medications due to weight-loss, you'll spend less on health care, and your risk of cancer and diabetes will be lower. Then one day you will find your skinny jeans fit perfectly. And while, there is an incredible sense of accomplishment when you do reach a milestone goal, there is real happiness on your daily journey. Let me explain.

Your body is incredibly responsive. We heal from sickness. We feel energy from a great workout. Our minds feel the endorphins of exercise and positive thinking. As soon as you begin to give your body what it’s meant to receive, nutrition, hydration, activity, and self-love, it responds almost immediately. You feel light, energy, and power. And, you physically begin to FEEL a change.

If you want weight-loss, to feel energetic and empowered here's a few tips that can help you get started.

Feel Hydrated

Getting plenty of water promotes weight loss, increased energy, relieves fatigue, flushes out toxins, improves complexion and boosts the immune system, just to name a few. Your stomach will feel slimmer since it can digest food easier and staying hydrated helps you avoid headaches. Plus, water doesn't add a single calorie! Aim to drink 3 liters to 1 gallon of water every day.

Feel Energetic

Feeling more energetic only takes a few daily changes. Those changes are sleep, eating enough to fuel your day, and exercising regularly. Eating whole foods throughout the day and keeping sugar intake low gives you immediate energy. By five o’clock you'll either be sluggish from sugar or you’ll be actively engaged in your evening events. Exercise release endorphins, which is a hormone secreted within the brain and nervous system that causes an euphoric effect, making you happy with more energy. Sleep helps weight-loss, memory, problem solving, concentration, and energy. Studies show that the best amount is at least 7 hours.

Feel Empowered

One of the greatest feelings in the world is progressing towards a goal! Each and every day that you follow a diet of whole foods and exercise, you are taking a step (or two or three) forward. Your mind is incredibly powerful. Some of my clients have allowed themselves years of negative self-talk. It’s dark, damaging, and hurtful. However, just a few days of healthy eating and exercise quickly reverses that negativity. If you are mindful you will notice these changes. Light immediately penetrates darkness. You feel hopeful, excited, and CAPABLE of reaching your goals. And, if any thread of discouragement returns, you can quickly replace that fear with positive affirmations and acknowledge that you are on your own path of success.

If you begin enjoying the benefits of healthy nutrition and exercise on a daily basis. You’ll immediately fall in love with the way you FEEL!


This is a topic I am asked about all the time. So many women want to know what they can do to look and feel younger. As you know, I am a huge proponent of weight lifting for women, as well as following a healthy nutrition plan for your body, and understanding and balancing your hormones as you age. What some of you may not know, is I am also a big advocate for natural and organic products and regimens for your skin. 

There are millions of anti-aging skin care products on the market today. Many of them are simply an overpriced mixture of water, alcohol, and other toxic ingredients which over time only makes your skin dry out, causes blemishes and acne, and increases fine lines and wrinkles. Even the best of the best skin care isn't doing what it could be if the chemicals in it are toxic and leaching into your body, aging it from the inside out. 

I don't know about you, but I don't want a skin care that only makes me look good, I want a skin care that I know will work AND is providing my body with essential oils and anti-oxidants to improve my overall health. My clients are always talking about how expensive Botox and facial treatments are, wishing there was something easier and less expensive to stop the wrinkles from creeping across their faces. I keep reminding them those treatments definitely can help but if what you're doing to your face every night and morning isn't healthy, then it won't matter how much Botox or how many specialized facials they get. 

It's what you do everyday that counts...

Over time the chemicals and toxic ingredients we are constantly putting into our bodies and onto our skin in the form of cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, hair products, etc. build up as toxins in our livers and has been shown to cause cancers. I also firmly believe these chemicals increase the aging process. I can always tell when I'm using products that aren't as pure.

Now, if you're beating yourself up because you haven't been taking care of your skin the way you should, don't. I wasn't always kind to my skin. In my younger years, I used to tan, not worrying about sunscreen, plus I never read labels or cared about the ingredients in creams and other products I put on my skin. But, once I hit the big 40, that all changed. This all made me realize what a gift our skin is. I spent a number of years looking for a product line that is 100% toxin free. I've tried many over the years and some I liked better than others. However, until recently I wasn't able to find exactly what I was looking for. 


Several months ago I was at lunch with one of my good friends. I couldn't help but notice how amazing her skin looked. She said she's been using a new skin care line called Australiana Skin. She told me where to find it and I went straight home and researched the company. I won't go into details here, but let's just say I was extremely impressed. I ordered one of their sets and long story short, I've been hooked ever since. I have finally found the product my skin has always been begging me for.

Sticking to a routine...

One important factor for success with change is finding a routine that works for you, and sticking to it. I am a pretty busy person, but if I don't schedule time for my workouts, meal prep and yes, you guessed it, skin care - I won't achieve my goals. 

Every morning I wash my face and apply my serum and moisturizer. Every evening I wash my face and apply my serum and moisturizer. Once to twice per week I use my scrub and my Miracle Mask. I treat this habit the same way I treat brushing my teeth. It's something I refuse to miss. It takes me three to five minutes and the return is ten-fold every time I see my reflection or someone asks me how I look so young.

Are you ready to look twenty years younger? Do you have a skin care routine? If not, start today. Grab yourself some excellent products, then establish your routine and be consistent. You'll be looking twenty years younger in no time!

Here's an extra incentive to try this great skin care, you get 15% off your product by entering the code Sandy15 at checkout. I know you will love it! Go to Australianaskin.com to read above these anti-aging products. 


I recently read this weight loss analogy that I found so intriguing and motivating I thought I should share. I hope you find this helpful in your weight loss journey! 

By: Bob White

Let's assume you go out and buy two rolls of paper towels, each with only 84 paper towels on it (one for each day of the challenge). You put one aside, and keep it for future reference (your before picture).

The other one represents you (I'll call your paper towel you Ed). The core represents the lean Ed. The towels represent the fat that is covering the lean Ed. For the sake of argument, let's say that Ed wants to lose 21 pounds of fat, so (84/21) each sheet represents a quarter-pound of fat lost. Let's also assume that Ed loses his fat equally during each day of the challenge.

Each day during the first week, you tear a sheet off of Ed, representing the fat he has lost for the day. Next, you put Ed next to the full roll ('Big Al') for comparison. No noticeable difference!!! Even at the end of the week! This can't be working for me!

But, being a good Ed, you continue to follow Body-for-LIFE. At the end of weeks two and three, you continue to compare Ed to Big Al, and still notice very little difference. That stinkin' Bill Phillips MUST be a liar!

But Ed is determined! He works hard! Hitting his 10's.eating his 6 daily meals. Three more weeks go by, the sheets peeling off day after day before Ed gets up the courage to stand next to Big Al again. Holy Myoplex! Ed is skinny! OK, not skinny, but less huge!!!

By the end of the 12-week Body-for-LIFE program, Ed is down to his lean dream, or somewhere near it. Ed is happy. We are happy. Big Al - well he's not so happy.


The lesson to be learned is that fat, like paper towels, comes off in sheets. When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around,that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area - just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

While the outside sheet may only cover 1 layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times. That last sheet looks like it gives you 4 times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same - your perception is just different! And you'll never see the inside, if you aren't patient while the outside is coming off!

If you’re passionate about taking your health and fitness to the next level but aren’t sure where to start, send me a message for a FREE consultation. You can save 10% by mentioning you found me through this article.


Body sculpting is the process of increasing muscle and bone strength through weight lifting. Weight training is the combination of machines, weight bars, exercise bands, and dumbbells.

If you are going to weight train to sculpt your body here is some information you might need to know:

Women TraininG

●      How will weight lifting benefit you: Lifting weight is extremely important since it keeps you strong as you age, helps keep bone health and preventing osteoporosis. It increases muscle mass which is important as we age by preventing falls and broken hips. Besides all those important reasons most women want to feel better in their own skin and maybe fit into that bikini again. Feeling good about the way you look lifts confidence and gives you the power to create the life you desire.

●      Preventing fatigue during your workout: It’s very important to fuel your body so you have the strength to complete a workout. Therefore, always have a meal with protein, carbs and veggies at least a hour beforehand. There is nothing worse than having your blood sugar drop during a workout and not being able to complete it. Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day will give the body what it needs to recover, lean up and build muscle. 

●      Facts of a good personal trainer: Your personal trainer should make sure you start at your own level and progress from there. He/she should also talk and instruct you through proper form and technique. As you increase strength your trainer should push you to that next level so you continue to improve, build and therefore, body sculpt.

●      Best tips for the beginners: Always do an active warmup before weight training. For instance, do 5-10 minutes on a treadmill or elliptical. As a beginner always start with a whole body workout for 3-4 weeks to get your joints strong and ready for weight resistance. After your workout is the best time to do static stretching for 10-15 minutes. Always hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

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Taking the time to prep all your meals once a week will ensure you are getting the calories your body needs to fuel, recover and body sculpt. Support all the hard work you are doing in the gym with a nutritionally structured meal plan. Eating every 3 – 4 hours will help balance blood sugar, keep body full, help build muscle, and avoid binging. If you are not prepping your meals ahead of time there is no way you can stay on a structured plan and give your body what it needs to build and lean up at the same time. 

Meat and veggies

What are the best foods for sculpting your body? Whole foods in it's natural form will always be best. Protein such as chicken, fish, eggs and beef supply the body with the protein it needs to build and tone muscle. Proteins are the main building blocks of the human body. It serves the body by building and supporting the growth of tissues and molecules that help both structural and functional purposes. Carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, yams, quinoa and oats supply the body with energy and aids in recovery. Green veggies are important for fiber, they supply the body with vitamins and minerals, and fight off disease. Fats such as nuts, avocados and nut oils help with brain and joint health, helps you feel satisfied and also fights off cravings. 

Here are a few great sources you might consider:

●      Dark Turkey Meat: Dark turkey meat is enrich in zinc which helps boosting beauty and also gives new energy for performing physical activities. Moreover, it also helps in maintaining a healthy immune system.

●      Salmon: Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fat that lower your risk of heart disease. It is an excellent source of vitamin B12, B6, vitamin D and selenium. 

●      Prawns: Prawns are very low in calories, high in protein and consists of a mineral called selenium which is an antioxidant. It assist in maintaining thyroid health and the body's immune system. 

●      Eggs: Whole eggs are good source of the good fats omega 3 fatty acids. Whole eggs are a good source of vitamins B12, B2, B5, A, Folate, Phosphorus and Selenium. Eggs raise HDL good cholesterol. They are high in quality protein and all the essential amino acids. 

●      Lean Beef: Lean beef helps in increasing protein level in the body and provides iron to the bones. Lean beef is a good source of B vitamins, zinc, selenium and Iron.

●      Spinach: Spinach is a great source of magnesium, iron, B2 and B6, folate, Vitamin K, E & A, calcium and potassium. Spinach helps in making collagen in the body. Basically, collagen is a rubbery protein, which makes muscles and skin toned, youthful and gives it a great appearance. The fact is that this is also enriched with fiber which will help you stay satified.

●      Kale: This food is very low in calories but provides many health benefits such as, it is high in iron, and vitamin K. It is filled with powerful antioxidants and is a great anti-inflammatory food. One cup of kale is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight against asthma, arthritis, and autoimmune disorder.

●      Beetroot: This is very powerful antioxidant and just like other vitamins and minerals this gives great impact to skin by giving it a youthful look. This also prevents skin from being damage.

●      Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a nutrient-dense superfood that offers many benefits. They help protect and maintain healthy blood pressure, and reduces blood glucose. Tomatoes also contain key carotenoids such as lutein and lycopene. These protect the eyes against light damage.

The body will always thrive on a structured plan and therefore create the best results faster. The body will continue to improve everyday if you are consistent with meal planning and weight training. 


Celebrity life coach Lauren Zander was recently quoted in the Experience Life magazine in her response to the question, “What are the biggest barriers to change?” Her response,

“I think being human is an amazing privilege”
and I think we are often really bad at it. People don’t know how to get unstuck.
They don’t understand that they’re a creation and a mystery, and that they can evolve and develop. It’s just not something we’re taught.”

So where does one start? With a vision, a dream, a goal, and tangible arrival point. So often we limit ourselves to what we think we can do rather than focusing on the possibilities of what might be if we just allow ourselves the freedom to go beyond our limits.

From a young age, we define ourselves as good or bad at certain characteristics. We label ourselves as intelligent if we are good at reading or we label ourselves as athletic if we are fast runners. Based on our experiences and how others describe us, we begin to set boundaries and limits for ourselves.

I see this most often in everyday women who come to me with the goal of losing weight. They see themselves as overweight, undisciplined, and inactive.

These women, however, get stuck in the thought process. They either assume they “are” or they “are not.”

But, being healthy and fit is merely a direct result of daily choices just as being unhealthy and unfit is a direct result of daily choices. It’s that simple.

Those who are flexible, stretch. Those who are strong, lift weights. Those who are full of energy, eat healthy food. Those who are hydrated, drink water. Anyone can stretch, lift, drink water or eat healthy. Change, therefore, is simply taking action in the same direction. Here’s a small exercise to help make my point.

  1. Take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns.

  2. In the far right, make a list of characteristics you consider required of your “best self.” They may include a thin waist, firm thighs, pretty skin, etc.

  3. In the middle column, write the equivalent action required. For example, you might write: lift weights with Sandy 3 times per week, follow nutrition plan, or do cardio 5 times per week.

  4. Then, in the left column, write behaviors and choices the directly impact the action in the middle column. For example, schedule other appointments around workouts with Sandy, pack the entire week’s meals in advance, or wake up at 6:00 am an exercise before work.

You see, your "BEST SELF" is simply including daily choices and actions that magnifying those characteristics you like. If you start doing the activities in the first column you automatically get the results in the last column. It’s inevitable.

I’d love your comments about thoughts that “get you stuck” or “hold you back” as well as the simple action that can set you free to become your best self.

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you



It seems like every time you open a magazine or get an email from your favorite blog, there is another diet-to-end-all-diets.  Guaranteed to make you lose pounds and inches just by eating potato chips and drinking martini’s all day (wishful thinking!).

The reality is this, fad diets don’t work and there is no such thing as one-diet-fits-all. 

No one person is the same. We have different hair color, eye color, some of us are tall, some are short. Some of us can eat mac-n-cheese several times a month and not put on a pound, some of us look at a brownie and gain a pound.  We also have different genes and family history. With all these differences, why do we think we can follow the same diet and get the same results?  If that were the case, I refer you back to the potato chip and martini diet and wish you the best of luck.

What is important in finding your diet sweet spot is first throwing out the term ‘diet’ and learning what works best for your body and your lifestyle.

Stop dieting

First and foremost, if you want to sculpt your body, lose body fat—and maintain—you have to ditch the word “diet” and understand you’re making a life-long change. If you work hard to get the body you want by following a healthy whole food plan, you can’t abandon your meal plan and expect to keep the weight off or continue to feel as good. When you’ve taken the time and patience to find the right food for your body, it is important to continue to incorporate that into your lifestyle.  

Lets take Keto as an example.  As you probably know, Keto means substantially limiting your intake of carbs, instead packing your daily menu with protein. If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight on Keto—after trying a more balanced approach of cleaning eating—that probably indicates your body doesn’t process or burn carbs and it would be best to stay on a low carb way of eating.

We’ve all heard the stories and probably know people who have lost weight but end up gaining it all back and then some. The reason is usually because you’ve approached it as a diet and now that you’ve hit your goal weight, you go back to eating the way you used to. The trick is to learn how to make what worked a permanent part of your life so it doesn’t feel like a permanent diet.

Listen to your body

There are some things you can’t know without blood work. Things like a Vitamin D deficiency or low testosterone (yes, this is a thing for women too).  However, even without having your blood work done, your body does give you signs and if you listen to them and keep track of them, these signs can be extremely helpful in finding your best way of eating.

You could be very sensitive to gluten and therefore your bloated frequently. Or maybe you live with recurring heartburn. Or you hit a wall everyday at 2:00 pm. These are all signs you can learn from and adjust your diet to subside symptoms.

This is where a food journal can be extremely helpful.  If you don’t already do it, it’s very simple to get started. Grab a notebook or download and app (there are tons for iOS and Android) and start tracking what and how much you eat.  When I say track, I mean track everything. Include notes about how you felt—your energy levels, any physical symptoms, your mental focus, etc.  While you’re working on understanding what is right for you, its important to include as much detail as possible so you can evaluate what might be giving you heartburn or causing your energy to tank in the afternoon. 

Once you’ve gotten into the habit of keeping a food journal, it becomes second nature and will help you stay on track.

Stick with it

If you’ve ever worked with me, you know I like to work with new clients for a minimum of six months.  If you’re just starting out on a new workout program, it takes time to see results.  And just as it takes time to see results from exercise, it takes time to dial in the right nutrition plan. I ask my clients to weigh in every week, but we also do pictures, measurements and body fat percentage every three weeks. I also create a new meal plan every three weeks.

The reason I do this is because everyone is different and it takes a consistent effort to understand what works for each person. 

Its important to realize it may take time, especially if you’ve never evaluated your diet, what works for you. Be patient.

Everyone cheats

Everyone enjoys a treat now and then. And sometimes, temptations get the best of us.  Its important to accept that just because you had something that wasn’t on your new healthy nutrition plan doesn’t mean you failed and you should give up. It means your human and you need to accept the hiccup, get back on track and focus on the next day.

Case study

I’ve worked with thousands of women and no two are the same. For instance, I have one client where we tried several different strategies. We started with the basics of eliminating gluten and dairy to see if those were causing the problem of eliminate body fat. Then we tried different versions of carb cycling, we tried higher protein and fats and lower complex carbs, nothing worked until we tried Keto, which is no carbs, and to our surprise the weight and body fat started dropping.

Another client would be able to have high carbs, and continued to lean up and change body composition just by staying on her whole food meal plan. But she couldn’t have any cheats or her body wouldn’t shed body fat. But then another client would be able to stay high carb and have 1 to 2 free meals every weekend and continued to lean up. 

No two bodies are the same and that’s why I encourage my clients to stick to the meal plans I give them so we can figure out what is working and what is not. The only way to figure these things out is to be precise, consistent and patient. 

You know the term “if you do the same things, you get the same results”, therefore, “if you want different results, you need to do something different”. 

Figuring the nutrition out for my clients is what I am great at. It takes the pressure off of them so they can live life and not worry about the details. After it is figured out I teach them how to track and design their own nutrition so they can continued to be successful. That’s the goal, so when my clients have completed their programs they know how to maintain for life.