
Do Emotional Eaters Have BusyBody Problems?

Something to think about, busybodies are commonly driven by excellent intentions yet they're driven by subconscious reasons.

Are you wondering if you're a BusyBody or have BusyBody patterns?

Let’s explore the following 3 scenarios below:

The Caretaker

You are very in harmony with people in demand. You really feel good being mama duck, seeing to your little ducklings are done in a row, right where you desire them, where their more than happy and secure.

Have you ever tried to change a person to the way you think they should be? Have you ever felt aggravated that people didn't do exactly what you asked, as well as resisted you and challenge you?

Do Emotional Eaters Have (Busy) Body Problems.jpg

The Rescuer

You really feel you must step in, save the day, take control of the circumstance. Have you ever felt pain because the person you're aiming to aid, kindly or not-so-kindly informed you to butt out? Do you consistently do your kids' homework, and/or make the last-minute drive to school if they have forgotten their homework at home? Then to end up with youngsters that anticipate you to be the homework fairy?

The Do-Gooder

You volunteer when you should not, then it makes you feel resentful and stressed. Have you ever before seemed like an overloaded and stressed out martyr due to the fact that you realize far too late that you've taken on to much? No one else is raising their hand, and the worry falls on your shoulders.

I don't imply to suggest that aiding is a bad thing. We are hard-wired to help each other and also, it's a natural element of being a person. The problems arise when individuals attempt to aid all the time, further effecting our own quality of life or ability to care for ones health.

Do  scenarios like these lead you right to the refrigerator? You can get out of the busybody trap and get your life back.

Why it's very easy to fall into the busybody trap

Two reasons people become busybodies:

Control or lack thereof. Psychological eaters are usually controlled freaks since we feel out of control ourselves. Going a bit deeper, the ego should be in control; as well as the ego always must be right.

Everyone enjoys the thrill of stepping in and saving the day ... however, ego is hard-headed. Vanity drives to take over so you can be smarter/wiser/stronger and more in control compared to others, however, that commonly backfires when people see you as a hard-headed know-it-all.

Disturbance. Concentrating on other people's problems additionally offers an effective distraction from our own issues, feelings, truth, as well as thoughts. It's uncomfortable to encounter our own stuff as well as easier to hide behind other individuals’ troubles.

Here are 5-steps to stop the BusyBody and take your life back:

1.       Never say yes until you take the time to think about. Tell the person that is asking you will have to get back to them. Give yourself at least one day to consider and think about what you will be sacrificing in your own life. Can you really afford the added time, effort, and stress? Constantly saying "I'll do it" at your own expenditure causes stress that creates emotional eating. Help only when it feels great to assist! Otherwise, say no. There are others that could do it!

2.       Inform on your own, "Not my apes, not my circus!" There are circuses taking place all around you. You have an option whether you enter the ring or otherwise. Dramatization = anxiety. You meddle, feelings get harmed (they probably really did not desire you to butt in but were too respectful to claim so), as well as you pacify with food.

3.       Ask yourself, "What landed me in this situation?" if you're already in a situation that's backfiring. The response is always, "I got myself in this situation." Taking responsibility requires you to be extra familiar with your choice, as well as prevent you from making it again.

4.       Say no more often ... to yourself. Tell yourself, it's fine not to butt in. People are who they are. You cannot change them. If you're doing your children' homework, remind yourself, homework aids children to the discovery of the subject. It additionally shows them self-control, obligation, and most importantly, effects. Real life is an extreme area for any individual that is used to being rescued!

5.       Do not handle other people's problems. Rather than having compassion as well as attempting to take care of the scenario for them, show concern, but urge them to fix their own situations. Empower them, do not be superior to them, and don't drain yourself aiming to help.

Being a busybody is ineffective. It can damage connections, destroy your health, trash your state of mind, and prevent you from enjoying life.

When you start to see when you're stepping into scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with you, you reduced your anxiety as well as reduced your yearnings.

The biggest obstacle is recognizing when to say no to others as well as to yourself. Push away the discomfort and focus on improving yourself. Making this adjustment may be some work, but it will instantly minimize weight on your mind ... and also your body! I assure!

If you desire different results in your life, you'll have to take different actions. This can be an exciting adventure if you choose. 

Hydration And How Crucial It Is For Your Health

Water affects every organ and cell within your body. You may not have known this, but water even plays an enormous role in the health of your back and spine.

Most of us associate dehydration—when more water is moving out of our body than we are taking in—with muscle cramps, fatigue, and extreme thirst. Indeed, these are just some of the consequences of subpar hydration. But, did you know that dehydration affects your brain as well?


Our brain is made up of around 73% water. If we don’t keep up with our water intake, especially in hot weather or while exercising, our thinking and cognition can suffer. In one study, adolescents who exercised for 90 minutes to a state of dehydration experienced significant shrinking of brain tissue, much like a sponge left out to dry.

Make sure you drink enough

Recommendations vary depending on weight, age, and activity level but an easy one to remember is 8x8, or 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water each day. You can also divide your weight in pounds by 2 and drink that number in ounces. For example, a 130-pound female would need 65 ounces (135/2) of water per day. Many experts recommend drinking to thirst—if you are thirsty, drink!

Mental benefits

Not only does staying hydrated help balance your mood by aiding in body regulation and brain function, but it also offers some big-time benefits for your memory. Yep, it’s true. Proper hydration can help improve the flow of both blood and oxygen to your brain, ultimately helping strengthen cognitive function and memory.

Fighting fatigue

 The equation here is a simple one—a well-hydrated body is a well-energized body. Combine that with the fact that hydration can also contribute to better sleep, and you may be able to kiss the need for that regular cup of joe each morning goodbye. (Sip mindfully as you enter the evening hours, though, since consuming liquids too close to bedtime could leave you running for the bathroom in the middle of the night).

Maximize Physical Performance

If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance can suffer. This is particularly important during intense exercise or high heat. Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2 percent of your body’s water content. However, it is not uncommon for athletes to lose up to 6-10 percent of their water weight via sweat.

This can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, increased fatigue and make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally.

Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this from happening, and may even reduce the oxidative stress that occurs during high intensity exercise. This is not surprising when you consider that muscle is about 80 percent water.

How to Tell if You're Dehydrated

·       Your pee will be dark in color (resembling apple juice)

·       You may feel nauseous and experience fatigue

·       You might cramp up, lose focus, and feel groggy

·       You stop sweating

Hydration is also important for health reasons

Dehydration can cause a dangerous imbalance in blood-sodium and fluid levels, which can lead to serious illness and even death.

The risks are heightened in extremely warm weather. If you're training outside in the heat, make sure to take in extra fluids to keep your body temperature down and prevent cramping.

Water is truly the elixir of life. As you experience all the wonderful milestones of summer, remember to drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in hydrating whole fruits and vegetables to keep you going strong all summer long. Your body (and mind) will thank you!



It seems like every time you open a magazine or get an email from your favorite blog, there is another diet-to-end-all-diets.  Guaranteed to make you lose pounds and inches just by eating potato chips and drinking martini’s all day (wishful thinking!).

The reality is this, fad diets don’t work and there is no such thing as one-diet-fits-all. 

No one person is the same. We have different hair color, eye color, some of us are tall, some are short. Some of us can eat mac-n-cheese several times a month and not put on a pound, some of us look at a brownie and gain a pound.  We also have different genes and family history. With all these differences, why do we think we can follow the same diet and get the same results?  If that were the case, I refer you back to the potato chip and martini diet and wish you the best of luck.

What is important in finding your diet sweet spot is first throwing out the term ‘diet’ and learning what works best for your body and your lifestyle.

Stop dieting

First and foremost, if you want to sculpt your body, lose body fat—and maintain—you have to ditch the word “diet” and understand you’re making a life-long change. If you work hard to get the body you want by following a healthy whole food plan, you can’t abandon your meal plan and expect to keep the weight off or continue to feel as good. When you’ve taken the time and patience to find the right food for your body, it is important to continue to incorporate that into your lifestyle.  

Lets take Keto as an example.  As you probably know, Keto means substantially limiting your intake of carbs, instead packing your daily menu with protein. If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight on Keto—after trying a more balanced approach of cleaning eating—that probably indicates your body doesn’t process or burn carbs and it would be best to stay on a low carb way of eating.

We’ve all heard the stories and probably know people who have lost weight but end up gaining it all back and then some. The reason is usually because you’ve approached it as a diet and now that you’ve hit your goal weight, you go back to eating the way you used to. The trick is to learn how to make what worked a permanent part of your life so it doesn’t feel like a permanent diet.

Listen to your body

There are some things you can’t know without blood work. Things like a Vitamin D deficiency or low testosterone (yes, this is a thing for women too).  However, even without having your blood work done, your body does give you signs and if you listen to them and keep track of them, these signs can be extremely helpful in finding your best way of eating.

You could be very sensitive to gluten and therefore your bloated frequently. Or maybe you live with recurring heartburn. Or you hit a wall everyday at 2:00 pm. These are all signs you can learn from and adjust your diet to subside symptoms.

This is where a food journal can be extremely helpful.  If you don’t already do it, it’s very simple to get started. Grab a notebook or download and app (there are tons for iOS and Android) and start tracking what and how much you eat.  When I say track, I mean track everything. Include notes about how you felt—your energy levels, any physical symptoms, your mental focus, etc.  While you’re working on understanding what is right for you, its important to include as much detail as possible so you can evaluate what might be giving you heartburn or causing your energy to tank in the afternoon. 

Once you’ve gotten into the habit of keeping a food journal, it becomes second nature and will help you stay on track.

Stick with it

If you’ve ever worked with me, you know I like to work with new clients for a minimum of six months.  If you’re just starting out on a new workout program, it takes time to see results.  And just as it takes time to see results from exercise, it takes time to dial in the right nutrition plan. I ask my clients to weigh in every week, but we also do pictures, measurements and body fat percentage every three weeks. I also create a new meal plan every three weeks.

The reason I do this is because everyone is different and it takes a consistent effort to understand what works for each person. 

Its important to realize it may take time, especially if you’ve never evaluated your diet, what works for you. Be patient.

Everyone cheats

Everyone enjoys a treat now and then. And sometimes, temptations get the best of us.  Its important to accept that just because you had something that wasn’t on your new healthy nutrition plan doesn’t mean you failed and you should give up. It means your human and you need to accept the hiccup, get back on track and focus on the next day.

Case study

I’ve worked with thousands of women and no two are the same. For instance, I have one client where we tried several different strategies. We started with the basics of eliminating gluten and dairy to see if those were causing the problem of eliminate body fat. Then we tried different versions of carb cycling, we tried higher protein and fats and lower complex carbs, nothing worked until we tried Keto, which is no carbs, and to our surprise the weight and body fat started dropping.

Another client would be able to have high carbs, and continued to lean up and change body composition just by staying on her whole food meal plan. But she couldn’t have any cheats or her body wouldn’t shed body fat. But then another client would be able to stay high carb and have 1 to 2 free meals every weekend and continued to lean up. 

No two bodies are the same and that’s why I encourage my clients to stick to the meal plans I give them so we can figure out what is working and what is not. The only way to figure these things out is to be precise, consistent and patient. 

You know the term “if you do the same things, you get the same results”, therefore, “if you want different results, you need to do something different”. 

Figuring the nutrition out for my clients is what I am great at. It takes the pressure off of them so they can live life and not worry about the details. After it is figured out I teach them how to track and design their own nutrition so they can continued to be successful. That’s the goal, so when my clients have completed their programs they know how to maintain for life. 

Whole Food Nutrition Plan

Are you eager to turn back the clock on aging? Would you like to find a natural way to look your best without turning to plastic surgery?

Slowing down aging in your body starts with what you eat and drink on a daily basis. If you eat lots of processed low-nutrient foods, and sugar-filled or artificially sweetened beverages, your skin, hair, and nails will reflect these choices. Anti-aging foods will provide you with the all good nutrition you need to slow down the aging process. When you eat real foods with key anti-aging nutrients, you become healthy on the inside which is reflected on the outside by an outer glow of vibrant health that everyone will notice. Organic whole foods which contain the following key nutrients are the best choices for fighting the aging process. 

That’s why you should follow nutrition plan loaded with whole foods that will reverse aging. These foods are all packed with anti-aging properties. If you stick to these foods, not only will you look younger, but you will also be fit. You can follow nutrition plan that is set for a month in order to learn how to incorporate all these healthy foods into your diet. You will need to prep your food once a week for maximum success and make sure to follow each plan for one week. Make sure you have a digital scale to weigh your foods and remember that good and timely organization is the key to success.


Probably the best way to stay energized later in the day is to treat yourself to a super healthy breakfast! This will definitely give you energy, satisfy your appetite, and give you the best possible start of the day. You can start your day with a healthy and light breakfast that will include: 

● 4 egg whites with 1 yolk

● 2 white corn tortillas

● 1/3 avocado

● 2 Tbsp salsa

Lunch – Sandwich

Ah, the lunchbox. Sometimes you may face real challenges when thinking about the midday meal. There’s a high chance you want healthy options that keep you full enough to stay away from the vending machine come mid-afternoon, and won't leave you raiding the pantry a couple of hours later. So, here is an idea for a super healthy lunch that will satisfy your appetite and make you feel good at the same time.

● 2 slices toasted Ezekiel bread

● 3 oz Tuna (rinsed if from a can)

● Lettuce and tomato

● 1 Tbsp mustard


You’ve tried to think of a nutritious dinner plan many times and you always fail to stick to it. But, that’s about to change. So, here is an example of nutritious dinner that is all about making weeknight meals a little easier, without giving up any of the big, bold flavors that make cooking and eating so fun.

● 4 oz fish of your choice

● ¾ cup quinoa or brown rice

● 1 cup chopped sautéed veggies of your choice mixed in with quinoa


What you eat between meals matters more than you think. These choices boost your metabolism and help you lose weight fast. Here are some snack choices you can combine between regular meals.

● ¼ cup almonds

● 25-gram protein shake blended

● with one cup unsweetened almond milk

If you're going to bulk up, lose fat, or stay healthy, you'll also need a goal-specific nutritious plan to get results. With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just one month. Make sure to follow this nutritious plan that includes super healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as snacks and the results will speak for themselves!

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you

Foods That Make You Age and Foods That Stop the Aging Process

What you eat affects you for better or worse.

You must have heard that sentence many times. And it really is true! What we eat and how we take care of our body will affect the way we feel and function on a daily basis. Aging is a normal part of the life process, but some foods are actually making you grow old faster. While a few indulgences won’t age you overnight, a continuously poor diet can accelerate the aging process over time. So, here is a list of some foods to consume in moderation in order to look as young as you feel.

1.      Sugar

Sugar is the number one food to avoid if you’re looking to slow down the aging process. Among all other bad things that it does to your body, sugar damages your skin’s collagen, a protein that keeps skin youthful and firm. Sugar as well as artificial sweetener will cause you to crave more sweets. As a result, too many sweets can damage your skin’s collagen, because of its inflammatory response. Unsurprisingly, too much sweet stuff is also bad for your smile. It doesn’t only increase the risk of cavities, but the phosphoric and citric acids in soft drinks, along with the huge amounts of acidic sugar will wear down tooth enamel. 

2.      Charred Meat

Charred meats contain pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons that damage the collagen in your skin.  Research shows AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products) absorbed into our bodies and when there’s too many of them, they can cause wrinkles and sagging skin because they damage collagen and elastin, which keep skin looking youthful. 

Charred meat also use up vitamin C, which is central to collagen formation. This, altogether, speeds up the aging process.

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3.      Salt

Your body needs salt but over salting is a big NO if you want to slow down the aging process. It is widely known that prepackaged frozen foods are high in sodium that dehydrates the body and make you retain water, as well as cause so-called puffy look. 

4.      Alcohol

The ultimate dehydrator - alcohol also robs our bodies of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C, which are vital for youthful skin and overall health. Excessive alcohol completely exhausts minerals including magnesium and zinc, as well as essential fatty acids, all of which are needed to slow down the onset of premature ageing.

5.      Fried Food

Trans fats and hydrogenated fats are damaged fats that can be found in fast foods as well as deep fried foods. They reduce the fluidity of your cells, burden the liver and add to inflammation, thus resulting in ageing. They also contribute to damaging the collagen in the skin, making it look


On the other hand, foods that contain a rich source of nutrients will significantly slow down the aging process. Commonly called “Nutrient dense” foods are not processed and do not contain artificial or synthetic ingredients. Here are few examples of healthy and nutrient rich foods.

1.     Green vegetables

Green vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli are responsible for keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. They are high in fiber and rich in essential nutrients.

2.      Blueberries and raspberries

They are very rich in antioxidants which have the ability to neutralize free radicals and help prevent cell damage. Antioxidants in blueberries also protect against inflammation, thought to be a leading factor in brain aging, Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative diseases.

3.      Nuts

Being rich in omega fatty acids, nuts are a perfect age fighting food. To add to that, nuts can strengthen your immune system due to their rich mineral count. 

4.      Fish

Fish is a food of excellent nutritional value, providing high quality protein and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and D, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and iodine in marine fish. It’s rich in fatty acids, which suppresses the discomfort of chronic inflammation. A proper amount of Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, enhance the feeling of well-being.

While you can’t stop aging, you definitely can, slow it down. The first step toward good health is eating right. What we eat influences how we feel, so make sure to incorporate foods rich in antioxidants and healthy proteins in your diet and start living healthy!

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you


Food is more than fuel to power your next workout. It’s how you maintain the parts of your body that keep daily life working like a well oiled machine. There are some foods that have incredible healing abilities should your body stop functioning properly. One of these is Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Make sure you are buying organic raw unfiltered. As the name suggests, apple cider vinegar is a specific type of vinegar made by distilling apples. From effectively treating ulcers to minimizing the symptoms of acid reflux disease, this liquid can pack a real punch in advocating for your health. Here are just a few reasons you should put Apple Cider Vinegar in your daily diet:

  1. Detox For Your Body - This vinegar acts as a liver and lymphatic tonic. We put our livers through a lot, (especially if you’re a drinker) and though the liver naturally detoxes your system it won’t work as effectively if it becomes damaged or hindered in any manner. That’s where the vinegar comes in to ensure the body is removing toxins properly by aiding the liver.

  2. Regulate Your Body’s pH - Being balanced is a big deal; both mentally and physically. Your pH is responsible for a lot of the balance that chemically works through your system. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is acidic in nature but has a more alkaline effect on the rest of your body. Which is a fancy way of saying it helps keep your pH balanced. Thus brings down the likeliness of cancer and dramatically increases your energy.

  3. Can Support Weight Loss - Many studies have shown that Apple Cider Vinegar could potentially help with weight loss; as for the exact reason why, we don’t know. It could be because of a reduction in sugar cravings. And, when you cut out sugar you cut out some fat! Additionally, Apple Cider Vinegar improves detoxification. For weight-loss use 1-2 Tbsp plus 8 oz water and drink before meals 3 times a day.

Here are a few recipes to make adding Apple Cider Vinegar to your diet easy:

Secret Detox Drink Recipe’s from Dr. Axe:

Feeling Bloated? Here’s a great recipe:

If you’re passionate about taking your health and fitness to the next level but aren’t sure where to start, send me a message for a FREE consultation. You can save 10% by mentioning you found me through this article.


I’m often asked, “How do I handle parties, holidays, dates, business meetings, and the break room” It’s true that many of these occasions add tremendous temptation. So, here are my tips:

Group Party.jpg
  • Eat before you go to a party and decide in advance what you will or you won’t eat. Almost all parties have a raw vegetable tray and ice water. Arriving full will help avoid any last-second justifications.

  • Host the party yourself! That way you have more control of the menu and can easily create healthy options both you and your guests can enjoy.

  • Keep a glass of water in your hand as you socialize. And, socialize far away from the food table.

  • If clients or vendors suggest going to lunch, simply decline and welcome them to your office for the business discussion at a non-mealtime.

  • For business meetings you can’t avoid, bring your own meal. Few will even notice.

  • For dates, suggest a healthy restaurant in advance and study the menu online before you arrive. Also, don’t be afraid to order exactly what you want, even if it’s not listed. For example, say I’d like grilled chicken with steamed vegetables and no butter. Most restaurants will gladly accommodate.

  • For Girls’ Night Out, suggest an activity such as pedicures, a movie, a play, a hike, or shopping at your favorite mall. You’ll be glad you did!

  • As for the break room, just stay away. Keep your food in your own mini refrigerator or at your desk. It’s not super classy to be rummaging through leftovers anyway.

  • Often holidays are centered on food. First, don’t let yourself indulge days before and days after the actual holiday. This can easily turn into a month of sabotage. On the actual day, plan ahead what you will eat and what you will not. Plan to do a little extra cardio on the day before or after. And, most of all, remind yourself that it is just a couple of hours. Staying on track for a holiday might seem difficult, but if you make up your mind it’s totally possible.

  • Reward yourself for staying on your nutrition plan with a new nail polish, a book you’ve wanted to read, new earrings, etc.

Remember that accomplishing your goal will feel and taste better than falling off track at any party. You are in control. You don’t have to make excuses or explain yourself. You’re simply choosing to be healthy, feel good, and look good. Others will quickly be inspired by your example.

Ultimately -- 
That is the first secret.

If you make the right choice, you can look forward to a younger, more confident, and happier you


Drinking water is key to any fitness program, but it’s especially crucial to strength training. I recommend all my clients drink 1 gallon of water each day.

Almost two-thirds of the human body is made up of water. Drinking 1 gallon of water a day offers softer, clearer skin, healthier hair and nails, and clearer thinking. Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressant and aids in metabolism. When you are dehydrated, your body often confuses dehydration as cravings for sugar. So, drinking water throughout the day will keep your body optimally hydrated, cravings for unhealthy foods at bay, and your goals in clear vision.

Drinking 1 gallon can seem like a lot if you are accustomed to drinking far less. So, here are a few tips that might help you:

  • Carry water with you wherever you go

  • If you don’t care for the flavor of tap water, invest in bottled or filtered water

  • Drink chilled water or ice water

  • Add a little flavor, like fresh-squeezed lemon

  • Always have water accessible and convenient

  • Act each time you think I should get a drink

  • Drink from a 32 oz container rather than an 8 oz glass

  • Just like planning your nutrition, pacing yourself throughout the day makes hydrating more simple:

    • Drink 16-20oz of water first thing in the morning

    • Drink 1-liter water during your workout

    • Drink 1 liter every 3-4 hours

    • Drink 1 glass of water each time you crave sweets

    • Drink another 2-3 glasses during down time such as watching TV, surfing the internet, or taking a bubble bath

Water is the only drink for a wise man.
~Henry David Thoreau