Build Lower Back Strength with Bosu Supermans

Looking to shake up your workout? Incorporating BOSU ball exercises can add some spice to your routine, while still giving you awesome body-sculpting benefits.

There are SO many ways you can add a BOSU ball to your training, all depending on your needs and the areas you want to target. Plus, there are different variations for every fitness level.

And as a bonus – you’re getting an ab workout, too! A BOSU ball incorporates balance and stability into every exercise so you are constantly tightening and strengthening your core.  

Strengthening Your Lower Back

Your back is your foundation and gaining strength in your lower back can help support your entire spine. If you spend a lot of time sitting, the muscles in your lower back may be getting lazy, and you may even be experiencing some back pain.

So let’s work on strengthening that foundation!

A great way to increase strength in your lower to mid back is to add BOSU Superman’s into your workout routine. This exercise really targets those lower back muscles, while also working your glutes, hamstrings, and even shoulders. 

The Exercise: BOSU Superman

1.   Get on the ball.

Place your BOSU ball on the ground, round side up. Lay face down with your tummy on the BOSU ball. Toes and forearms should be resting on the floor.

2.   Engage your core.

Pull your bellybutton in toward your spine, squeezing those abs and engaging your core.

3.   Superman!

Lift arms and toes off the floor while maintaining your balance. Squeeze your glutes to keep legs up. Now hold for a count of two feeling a squeeze in your lower back, lower arms and legs without touching the ground and lift again. This is not a big movement. Only go up enough to where you feel the lower back muscles engage. Do 2 to 3 sets for 15 – 20 reps.

TIP: Don’t let your shoulders creep up to your ears – pull your shoulder blades back and together. And don’t forget to engage your core and breathe.

The Variation: BOSU Hyperextension

If you can’t hold your balance during the BOSU Superman, try this variation – the BOSU Hyperextension. This exercise still emphasizes your lower back muscles, but you’ll get some added stability by keeping your toes on the ground.

To perform this exercise, you’ll get on the ball in the same position as the Superman, with feet placed about shoulder width apart. Your arms can be crossed over your chest or placed behind your head.

Then, lift your chest off the ball to hyperextend the lower back. Hold for a count of two and repeat. Remember this is not a big movement. Only come up enough to get a squeeze in the lower back. Toes are staying firmly on the ground throughout this move.  Do 2 to 3 sets for 15 – 20 reps.

Remember, always keep your abs tight and breathe.