Body By Sandy - Certified Personal Trainer for Women

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If you're looking for some inspiration and motivation you'll find it here with Kathy's story. Her dedication, focus, and positive spirit to heal herself after breast cancer inspires me every day. Take a intimate look about her journey and interview below. 

Tell me about where your personal journey stated?

I started working with Sandy in July of 2011, just 3 years after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. After dealing with the cancer, to heal, all my doctors told me to eat, so I did. Then I was so miserable because of all the weight gain and I was a whopping 185 lbs!! It was obvious I was no longer in control of myself. Because of the cancer and treatment for it, I haven’t been able to wear my wedding ring since due to swelling and because my weight was a out of hand.

Where are you now and How do you feel?

I think of how I was back then, and how lean, strong and healthy I am now. I have learned so much about working out, eating right and the importance that one does not work without the other. Through nutrition, meal planning, cardio plans and personal training 2 to 3 times a week. I sweated until there was no more marshmallow, just a firmer shape. At 68 years of age, I now get looks from the guys that I wish I’d had when I was 18. And my husband loves it! Sandy has guided me to be able to work out on my own, something I was unable to do until I met her. With Sandy's kind, supportive, encouraging and caring help, I have learned to eat clean and work my body right so it stays healthy. I have loved and hated how she has made me work hard. I can only say thank you Sandy for what you have helped me accomplish, and I look forward to continue learning from her. I am now so close to reaching that first goal from back in 2011. My first goal was to lose the weight so I could wear my wedding ring again. Bit by bit I kept my goals small and attainable, I am almost there. But I am healthy and I’m so glad for that. I’m still under the care of my Oncologist, I am 9 years out, but she is also amazed at my progress. Most importantly I’m in control of myself once again.

What made you decide to work with me?

After several years of surgeries and follow-up therapies, weight watchers, exercise DVD’s, weight loss pills and powders with no real results, I flat out needed help. It was my husband that came to my rescue. He contacted a friend in Idaho who said she knew a personal trainer here in Utah. After going on line and reading up about this trainer I asked “what could this trainer offer that I hadn’t already tried.” So, I discussed the different programs with my husband (after all it was his idea), and I (we) decided I should contact Sandy. That’s right, it took a friend in Idaho for me to find Sandy. Sandy wanted to know if I really wanted to change. So, I decided to work with Sandy and she agreed to work with me. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but through all the sweat and hard work and learning to meal plan, I still look on that day as my Happy Day!

What key things did you learn from the Program? 

Nutrition: eat clean, start from scratch, fresh food, no processed food.

Meal planning: important to know what you are consuming, protein, carbohydrates, fats. (This is still a little difficult for me, so I use a program to help me keep track. (Calorie King)

Workouts: To work a different set of muscles each day, or mix up the days they are worked. Example: Chest and Biceps, Back and Triceps, Abs and Lats, Legs (Quads & Hamstrings) and Calves. And how to use the equipment I have at home as well as at the gym.

More importantly I learned that consistency is a must! If I want a healthy firm body, I have to go out and work on it. It won’t happen by just wishing for it!!! Sandy has been my miracle worker!

Kathy did my Platinum program: 

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